
Please Welcome 2 New DT Members

i-crafter launch

I cannot believe it is almost July 1st! Where has the summer gone? This has definitely been quite the year so far, wouldn’t you agree?

As this month comes to a close we say good bye to two wonderful design team member … Karen and Ardyth. You two will be missed terribly. We will continue to cheer you on from the side lines! Don’t think you can get rid of us that easily ladies LOL!

With that being said … We have two NEW design team member to welcome … YAY!!!! Pleae give a warm i-crafter welcome to Brianne (who goes by Bri) and Tina! These two talented designers are joining us starting July 1st, 2020

Brianne Firth 

BLOG- https://brifirth.blogspot.com/
INSTAGRAM – https://www.instagram.com/brifirthcreates/
FAEBOOK – https://www.facebook.com/BriFirthCreates/
PINTEREST – https://www.pinterest.com/brifirthcreates/

Tina Guigui Dornbaum

BLOG http://findingyourniche2.blogspot.com/
INSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/tinagui2d/
FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/tina.guigui
YOU TUBE https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxFra67v9znFvViQkcoBVnw

Please hop on over to their social media pages and give them some love. They are going to fit in perfectly with the i-crafter team. I cannot wait to see what they create!


Until next time … Niccole for i-crafter

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