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Creating with i-crafter: The Stand-Up Window Add-On

Hello Crafty People:

We don’t only have the cute stand-up base, we have this great WINDOW ADD-ON that things can peek through!! Today I have two cards for you, the one already pictured above and the one I made in the video below! It’s so much fun – you can use the window on either side of the front of your card, upside or down side, and make something peek out.

Included in the video is a short take about the i-mend Pro Deck, if you want to see it. Also included in the description is a timeline for what to find where, which is helpful.

Enjoy playing with all the things, friends!!

Cindyellen Robinson

Stand Ups Insert Base by Lynda Kanase

Stand Ups Window Add on by Lynda Kanase

Box Pops, Lucky Cat Add-on by Lynda Kanase


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