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Cupcake Shaker Card

Hi! It’s Lauren on the blog today sharing a cute cupcake slimline shaker card. I used dies included in the new Pinwheel Die set along with the Dashed Squares die set to create this card. This card would be perfect for a birthday or other fun celebration.

I started out by using 2 different sized squares from the Dashed Squares die set to cut 3 diamonds from a 3.5 x 8.5″ patterned paper panel. I used a ruler to make sure I had them all evenly spaced and centered on the panel.

I used the new i-mend MAGNETIC PRO Deck. I love the magnetic one because not only is it self- healing, it holds my dies in place without the need to secure them down with tape.

Next, I cut, then adhered, a piece of acetate to the back my panel.

Then, using double sided foam tape, I created my “wells” for the shaker blend.  I outlined the triangles making sure that there were no open areas for the shaker contents to slip out.

I then added foam tape around the perimeter of the panel.

Then I added my shaker blend into the wells, removed the backing from the tape and carefully placed my 3.5″ x 8.5″ slimline card base on top.

Now with my shaker made, I die cut the elements for the front using dies included in the new Pinwheel Card die set. First, using colored pencils on white cardstock I created my own confetti cake pattern for one of my cupcakes and also my candle.

The last step was to adhere the cupcakes and candle onto the front of the card.

I think this is a fun way to stretch the use of your die sets! I hope this inspires you to find different ways to use your own die sets. Thanks for visiting today!

Below are my affiliate links to products I used for this card. ***Disclosure: I use affiliate links where I can. This does not add any extra cost to you, but I do receive a small amount which helps keep me in craft supplies. Thank You***

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